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Huaihua 600L crooked mouth hopper

2023-03-09 17:28:29
Huaihua 600L crooked mouth hopper
Detailed introduction:

 Tower crane hopperNo wall shelving,Can be moved and placed at will,Suitable for balconies,地热,pillar,Ash can also be delivered directly to the interior through the gallows and balcony,The old hoppers need to use people to pinch the ash on the balcony,The phenomenon of pouring ash,At the same time, it also avoids the need to cross the indoor wall of some construction sites due to the tight construction period,Ground failure,The contradiction that the exterior wall shelf cannot be removed。Work safety: Yuding Heavy IndustryTower crane hopperIt avoids the phenomenon that the old-fashioned tower crane hopper requires workers to stand on the shelf to put ash, reduces the risk factor, and only one person needs to stand indoors to operate when working。

Tower crane hopper

Note: The oil silk rope must be hung with 3 rings to use。The oil wire rope must be firmly hung between the hook of the tower crane to avoid decoupling。

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